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Service Charter

(basic principles, quality factors, passengers’ rights and obligations, user relations, complaints and refunds)

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La Maddalena Lines (hereinafter, the ‘Shipping Company’) adopts the present Service Card and attributes to it a binding value towards the users. The Service Card shall constitute the reference point in the relations with the Customers themselves.

I. The Fundamental Principles

In the provision of the maritime transport services provided to customers, the Shipping Company adheres to the following principles.

Equality and impartiality

The Shipping Company provides the transport service inspired by the principle of equal rights of Customers, avoiding in particular any discrimination for reasons of sex, race, language, religion and political opinions.

The Shipping Company guarantees equal treatment and accessibility to services without any distinction between different categories or groups of users.

More generally, the Shipping Company inspires its behaviour towards users with criteria of objectivity, justice and impartiality.


The Shipping Company, during the period of activity, guarantees users a continuous, regular and uninterrupted service, except for interruptions due to force majeure, fortuitous events, or circumstances in any case beyond the Shipping Company’s control.

In the event of irregular operation or non-performance of the transport service due to causes attributable to the shipping company, the latter shall adopt the passenger information or protection measures described below in order to cause the least possible inconvenience to users.


The shipping company provides the service in such a way as to guarantee the efficiency and effectiveness of the transport services. Personnel employed in direct contact with users wear a uniform or identification badge that makes them easily identifiable.

The personnel of the shipping company adopt a professional and courteous behaviour towards the customer, aimed at establishing a reciprocal relationship of trust and collaboration.

II. Quality Factors

The shipping company has identified a series of factors and indicators that are particularly important in order to guarantee users a high quality service.

These are, in particular, factors such as the regularity and punctuality of the service, the conditions of safety and comfort of the journey, the information provided to users both on entry and exit and the availability of staff, respect for passengers whose conditions require special attention and environmental protection.

With reference to each quality factor/indicator, the shipping company guarantees compliance with high quality standards, as set out in the diagram below. Quality factors/indicatorsQuality Standards
Regularity of service Punctuality Informative measuresServices on the routes served by the Shipping Company are carried out on the dates and according to the timetables shown on special tables made available to users and published on its website, ticket offices and departure and arrival piers. The Shipping Company guarantees users a continuous, regular, punctual and uninterrupted service, with the exception of delays and interruptions due to circumstances beyond the Shipping Company’s control. With regard to cases of irregular operation or interruption of services due to force majeure, fortuitous events, or circumstances in any case beyond the Company’s control, the Company shall make available to users, by publishing them on its website or by means of notices displayed at ticket offices and wharves, the appropriate information measures in order to cause users the least possible inconvenience. The Shipping Company adopts the same information measures for cases in which the transport service is not provided for reasons attributable to the Shipping Company. Furthermore, with reference to this hypothesis, the Shipping Company guarantees the Customer the possibility of using the ticket on the same route in the seven days following the cancellation or of obtaining a refund of the ticket price, upon request (accompanied by a copy of the ticket) to be sent by email to
Quality factors/indicators Quality standards
Safety Staff courtesy Cleanliness of yards, ships and ticket officesA fundamental characteristic of the transport service offered by the shipping company is the safety and protection of passengers. In order to guarantee these objectives, the shipping company ensures the constant maintenance of the vehicles, carried out by highly specialised personnel. The Company also guarantees the maintenance of high standards of travel comfort.   The Company undertakes to guarantee the cleaning of the yards, ships and ticket offices through the employment of its own personnel or through external companies. Ordinary (daily) and extraordinary (once a week) cleaning is carried out on the Company’s vessels. Where possible, the units are equipped with air conditioning.   The shipping company trains its staff to adopt professional, courteous and respectful behaviour towards passengers. The staff of the shipping company is at the disposal of customers to provide information and clarification regarding the operation of services.
Boarding operation for Person with Reduced Mobility (PRM)                         Disembarkation operation   EmergencyThe Person with Reduced Mobility and the relative companion, following the usual procedures, present themselves at the ticket office declaring their needs, the personnel in charge will promptly inform the ship’s Command of their presence. The on-board Command will inform and send for assistance one/two qualified persons with a P.M.R. certificate at the ship’s access door. In the case of an accompanying car, it will be parked on the designated deck in a special stall. The staff in charge will accompany the Person with Reduced Mobility and, during the crossing, if necessary, the P.M.R. will be assisted by the staff in charge for any need. The staff in charge will accompany the Person with Reduced Mobility to their car or to the disembarkation gate, and priority will be given to disembarkation.   If any emergency should occur during the journey, the Person with Reduced Mobility will be assigned a fixed person for routing to the meeting point.
Complaint Management Refund managementThe Company undertakes to manage customer reports also in cases of communication of complaints or requests for reimbursement and to take care of the monthly reporting also through the publication of the relevant data on the company website.
Quality factors/indicatorsIndicators
Regularity of servic>90%
Informative measuresUp to 2 reports/month
SafetyUp to 2 reports/month
Travel comfortUp to 2 reports/month
Staff courtesyUp to 2 reports/month
Cleanliness of service areas, ships and ticket officesUp to 1 reports/month
Attention to disabled passengers, elderly, pregnant womenUp to 1 reports/month
Customer complaints handled after the deadlineUp to 1 reports/month
Refund requests handled after the deadlineUp to 1 reports/month

Evidence of the monitoring of these indicators is collected and analysed on a monthly basis and stored by the Company’s Control & Quality Department.

III Passenger rights and obligations

With the purchase of the ticket, the Customer and the Shipping Company establish a relationship characterised by mutual rights and obligations.

The main rights of the customer:

  • The main rights of the customer:
  • Continuity and certainty of service;
  • Safety and peace of mind during the journey;
  • Punctuality: compliance with departure and arrival times;
  • Easy availability of information on routes served, dates of service and timetables;
  • Easy accessibility of information on travel arrangements and fares, as well as on any irregularities in the operation of the service;
  • Re-use of the ticket or reimbursement of the price in cases of non-performance of the service for reasons attributable to the Company, within the following seven days;
  • Containment of any waiting times necessary for embarkation or disembarkation;
  • Cleanliness of the vehicles;
  • Ensuring compliance with the smoking ban on vehicles;
  • Easy accessibility of the complaints procedure and the right to receive a prompt reply to complaints.

Customer’s main obligations:

  • Be in possession of an authentic stamped ticket;
  • Occupy only one seat;
  • Do not litter or damage the vehicles;
  • Respect the ban on smoking inside the vehicles;
  • Do not occupy seats reserved for the elderly, disabled or pregnant women;
  • Do not disturb other travellers;
  • Do not carry harmful or otherwise dangerous objects on board;
  • Do not misuse alarm signals or any emergency device;
  • Do not otherwise compromise travel safety and service levels.

IV. Customer relations, complaints and refunds

To request information on the services offered by the Shipping Company or to make complaints regarding the quality of these services, customers may:

La Maddalena Lines. is committed to responding to customer complaints within a maximum of 24 hours for an interlocutory response and 7 working days for a final response.

For enquiries an interlocutory response is provided within a maximum of 24 hours and a final response within a maximum of 2 working days, for refund requests an interlocutory response is provided within a maximum of 24 hours and a final response within a maximum of 7 working days.

Passenger rights are protected by Regulation (EU) No. 1177/2010 and the General Conditions of Carriage. These documents are available on the company website, on the passenger rights page, on the ships, in every ticket office and at Info Points.

Messina, 10/10/2023