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Quality Policy
Maddalena Lines S.r.l. is a shipping company that provides private ferry services in Sardinia, between Palau and the island of La Maddalena.
Maddalena Lines’ mission is to provide services in the field of navigation by pursuing the highest quality standards, enhancing skills in growth initiatives that are accompanied by the maintenance of alliances and strategic partnerships with the main players in the maritime market, in order to create value for its shareholders, customer satisfaction and professional growth for its employees.
The Management of Maddalena Lines, aware that quality is first and foremost Customer satisfaction and the continuous increase of that satisfaction, has established, implements and maintains the Company’s quality policy which is appropriate to the Company’s purpose and context, supports its strategic directions and provides a framework for setting quality objectives. The quality policy also includes the commitment to increase and satisfy the requirements of the customer and other interested parties, to comply with the applicable mandatory requirements and to pursue the continuous improvement of the quality management system.
To enable the implementation of this policy, and to improve it over time, the Management has made its people, resources, technical and economic means and processes available, as it believes that continuous improvement is indispensable to compete in the market and to develop in accordance with economic and profitability conditions and with the needs and expectations of stakeholders.
Management is also committed to defining objectives over time that can be monitored, to allow for the necessary corrective and improvement actions.
In particular, the Management identifies, as fundamental elements of the Quality Policy, the commitment to:
- Establish, apply, deliver and continuously improve business processes, both managerial and operational, to fully meet the expectations of the Customer and other stakeholders in compliance with their requirements and applicable mandatory requirements;
- Ensure the involvement, awareness, motivation, leadership and active participation of personnel performing work activities under its control;
- Determine and evaluate risks and opportunities in order to achieve the expected results;
- Ensure the safety and reliability of the service in a safe working environment for all;
- Reduce anomalies, non-conformities and complaints through their correction, prevention and continuous improvement activities that take into account the increase in customer satisfaction;
- Pursuing the continuous improvement of the organisation and processes and the constant evolution of the system to verify and adapt it to the context in which the company operates and to the needs and expectations of the stakeholders;
- Guarantee evidence-based decision-making processes and a framework for determining and reviewing quality objectives in an objective and measurable manner;
- Demonstrate the correct application of the Quality Management System through its certification by a third-party body;
- Ensure that the quality policy is available and documented, is communicated, understood and applied within the company and is made available to interested parties.
- Review the validity and adequacy of the quality policy at least annually at the Management Review.
The Management underlines that quality is everyone’s commitment and demands direct commitment to the implementation of the Quality System. To support these commitments, the Management defines quality objectives and undertakes to review them annually.
05 August 2023
The Executive Management